What do you love about UCS?
God comes FIRST! Our young children are at a very impressionable age and we know that at UCS they will learn about God's love for them first and foremost.
Why did you choose UCS for your child/children?
We wanted our children to have a strong foundation in Christianity outside of our church and a well-rounded education full of diversity.
What would you tell another parent who was considering sending their child/children to UCS?
That this was the best decision we made as a family. Our children are among other kids whose families have the same values as Christians and receive a wonderfully diverse education.
What do you love about UCS?
I love that the values we teach our kids at home are being reinforced at school. The staff have hearts for these children and what they do is a ministry. We appreciate the sacrifices they make for our kids on a daily basis.
Why did you choose UCS for your child/children?
We have friends that both attend and teach at UCS, so I knew it was a good choice for us because of the good things we have heard from them.
What would you tell another parent who was considering sending their child/children to UCS?
It is definitely an investment and a financial sacrifice, but I believe we will see the fruit of that investment in the future of our kids.
We would love to hear about your UCS experience.
Please fill out the contact form below to tell us your story.